Sunday, November 8, 2009

One week down

I have now finished one week of my job.  I still am not to sure what I am doing but it is becoming a little more clear.  Mon, Tues and Wed I had so much thrown at me that by the end of the day I was totally fried.  The company I am working for is going through an audit at the same time, this means they haven't had as much time to train me.  I am starting to meet my clients.  I am beginning to get a clearer picture of my job and I think I am going to like it.  This is not the group of people I see myself working with for a long time but it will be a great learning experience.  It is very eye opening going to the homes and seeing how they live.  The thinking of the low class and middle class is so different.  They are in survival mode.  They are just trying to take care of their families and provide the basic necessities. I now better understand why the kids at the school often acted the way they did and thought the way they did. 
I am still just having to rest in God and his plan.  This is difinetly in my plan or my control.  I finally got a desk and a computer.  I still do not have a place to live. The apartment situation is not resolved and DP's workers comp is not resolved.  Dec finances are looming in the background and living between two cities is difficult.  I Have been pretty calm through most of it so far.  I am starting to be a little home sick as time goes by.  I can only trust God in this situation and see what he is going to do with it.  I often wish he would just tell me so that I could know what to expect but of course I guess that's what he is trying to teach me.  I am just trying to be thankful for the same blessings that come my way.  I found a used bookstore yesterday that is really good.