Tuesday, October 27, 2009

From day 1

At the recommendation of a great friend. I am going to blog our adventure to Wilmington so that I can have a reminder of God working in my life. So often we go through an adventure in life, some tragedy or exciting event, and we see God and praise Him during that time but then forget, as time goes by, the amazing things He has done. So I want to journal or blog this adventure as a reminder for me and to any one who reads it how great and soverign God is in my life. So here's what happend so far.

Oct 2,
I filled out an application for a job in Bolivia. I am not sure what I was thinking at the time. My goal was to fill out a job application a day and that was the one for the day. I didn't really think they would call and it was a long shot being so far away. It is near mom and I have the education and qualificiations necessary but lack the experience. Same for every other job I have applied for. Now that I look back at the application, I even misspelled a couple of simple words in my haste to fill it out. oops.
Oct 5
I am freaking out about school. I need to finish. I am done with the class load and my financial aid is going to run out. I want to either finish or take a break. I am not sure what to do. I spoke with liberty and discovered a 60 hour track program which would fit into the professional world better than the 48 hour track. It would fit my schedule and timing of school as well. I have switched tracks. One crisis taken care of, now to figure out the job/internship situation.
Oct 6
Wow, the job in Bolivia called, actually they are in Wilmington. They want me for an interview and are even willing to do a phone interview so that I don't have to drive down to Wilmington. I did not get my hopes up becasue I have had several first interviews but always lack the expereince they are wanting.
Oct 9
Today was the phone interview. It went really well. The lady, Valencia, I spoke with was super nice and very understanding. I explained that my experience was in the church and that I had a divinity degree that was not onmy resume. She was very helpful in understanding liscensing laws and national certifications. She said it would be about a week before I heard anything. Before I left work, the same day at 3:30, they had already called for a second interview. Wow , that was really fast. I have to drive to wilmington now for a second interview.
Oct 13.
I left the house at 6 am to drive to Wilmington for the day. I prayed all the way down and listened to praise music to calm my nerves. I got there 15 minutes early and filled out the application. I met a couple of the people there while I was waiting. They were very friendly. The interview went well. I left feeling mixed about it. I don't think it was a great interview. I need to work on my interviewing skills and need to have more confidence. After I went down to the water front and walked around the Cotton Exchange before heading home.
Oct 19
I have convinced myself that they are not calling and that I did not get the job. The thought of leaving WF is hard to consider and I don't want to get my hopes up. I haven't applied anywhere else yet. It's so frustrating because I want to make plans and can't because the job is unknown. I don't think I will get it, but don't want to plan something and have to canel it all. 5:oo rolls around and Chris, the QP supervisor calls me and offers me a position. I am blown away. They want me to be a case manager and want me to start Nov 2. I take the position out of shock. Once I got of the phone with Chris I just cried. It was a mixture of stress, saddness and excitment. I didn't even call anybody and tell them for about an hour becasue I wasn't sure what to think. Finally I called Mandy, Jen and Jennifer and talked to them about it. Then I called mom. She wanted to know why I didn't call her first. I wasn't ready for her to be all excited about me moving near her. She is very understanding though. If I don't take it she is okay with that as well. I told DP and cried some more.
Oct 20 - Oct 28
I told my boss at work. Mrs. Cross was great about it and encouraged me to take it. She thought it was a great opportunity and I would do great. Its so funny that I have been trying to leave HMS for a while to get into mental health field, when I do get an opportunity I don't want to leave. I have a great job and a great staff that I work with at HMS. Everybody is so supportative and encouraging to me. They have all expressed how much they will miss me but are all excited that I am reaching my goals. There are so many people that I have really grown to love at my current job. I will miss them all so much.

The unknown is what is getting to me with all of this. I am excited about the adventure, but all I know is that I start work on Monday Nov 2. My organized mind is a mess. It does not handle all the unknown factors well. We cannot get out of our lease. The apartment needs to be sub leased. We need to start all over with the basics of life like church, doctors, etc. We cannot do a whole lot until we have an address to put down. I am going to live with mom until we get it all settled and DP is going to live in Raleigh. He needs to find a job soon though. Nov finances are paid for but Dec is looking a little crazy. So many unanswered questions right now. This is definitely an exercise in trusting God. I have to trust him in everything right now, all areas of life.