Friday, October 30, 2009

Last days at work

Today is my last day at HMS.  I have worked at this job for 5 years and a couple of months.  I have actually been around longer than that, previously working with the Y kids who attended HMS.  Since the beginning I believe. One teacher joke I came with the building. It's true though. Same of the YMCA.  I have been working there since before the building was up.  Last night I taugh my last cycling class plus two others.  What a way to end it. 
Right now I am not sure where I am emotionally.  I don't think it has totally hit me that I am leaving.  In my mind I will be at work Monday as normal.  I am afraid it will hit me monday when I am working at the new job, in a different city.  One neat thing about moving is that you realize how many friends you have and how many lives you have touched.  That of course makes it all the harder to leave.  I truly feel blessed by those I have worked with over the years.  I cannot say I have not enjoyed my job or the people I have worked with over the years.   God has truly blessed me with wonderful people to interact with and share my life with daily.  I am so thankful.  I don't want to think about leaving them, I'll cry.  I know God has so much more in store for me and I just have to trust him in that He will bring other relationships to my life. Jermiah 29:11 - He has plans for me.  I also am trying to remember the poem about Friends who can be for a reason, a season or a lifetime. 
Speaking of trusting Him, I still know nothing more than I leave on Sunday and start work on Monday.  So far I am handling it well.  Things seem to be falling in place without me having to stress too hard.  I just have to continue to trust God is in control and knows what He is doing far better than I can do it.  Now next week I might be a mess when everything changes but for now I am just looking upward and clinging tight to my heavenly Father.